Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) refers to person’s chronic or ongoing lack of interest in sex, to the point of personal or relationship distress. HSDD affects both men and women, however it is most common in women.
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Could Testosterone Therapy Be a Key to Weight Loss?
Testosterone therapy might lead to weight loss in obese men with low testosterone (hypogonadism), researchers have reported.

Overweight/Obese Women Likely to Have Sexual Difficulties
Women who are overweight or obese are less likely to be sexually active, report the authors of a recent Journal of Sexual Medicine study.

New Details on Oral Testosterone
Men in the United States have had the option of taking an oral form of testosterone for about a year and a half now. Recently, scientists published more of their research results.

Sexual Issues Need Attention in Female Childhood Cancer Survivors
About 1 in 5 female survivors of childhood cancer experience sexual problems as adults, according to new research in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Taking Testosterone? Watch for Polycythemia and Sleep Apnea, Experts Warn
Men undergoing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) should be aware of links between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and polycythemia, an abnormal amount of circulating red blood cells in the bloodstr...

About Half of Breast Cancer Survivors Seek Help for Sexual Issues
Why do some breast cancer survivors seek help for sexual problems while others don’t?

After Childhood Cancer, Sexual Dysfunction More Common in Women
When female pediatric cancer survivors reach adulthood, they are more likely to have sexual problems than their male counterparts, according to new research in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Study: Antidepressant Lurasidone Has Fewer Sexual Side Effects
People with a certain form of depression might benefit from a drug called lurasidone, which has fewer sexual side effects than other depression medications, according to a recent clinical trial.

For Women, Placebo Effect Might Explain Improvement in Sexual Function
Treatments for female sexual dysfunction are “minimally superior to placebo,” according to new research in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Researchers reached this conclusion after analyz...

Childhood Sexual Abuse Linked to Sexual Problems in Women
Women who have been sexually abused as children develop more sexual problems than their non-abused peers, according to a recent review of medical literature by American scientists.
In an effort to un...

Inhibition May Hinder Women’s Orgasms
Sexual inhibition can lead to orgasm issues in women, new research suggests.
Problems with orgasms are common in women, with an estimated 10% to 40% of women reporting difficulty. Some women never re...

PTSD Linked to Sexual Problems in Midlife Women
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and a history of personal violence is linked to menopause-related sexual dysfunction in midlife women, according to recent research.
While these factors do affect...

Low Desire Common in Midlife Women
Many women lose interest in sex at midlife, and doctors should consider addressing the problem, experts say.
In a recent study of 2,020 Australian women between the ages of 40 and 65, almost 70% had ...

For Breast Cancer Survivors, Sexual Concerns May Last Years
For breast cancer survivors, sexual problems related to treatment may last for several years, according to a recent study in BMC Cancer.

Poor Health and Lack of Communication Related to Low Sexual Interest, Study Says
Why might people lose interest in sex? Recently, scientists provided their insights in the journal BMJ Open, and their findings differed somewhat for British men and women.

Study Addresses Psychological Aspects of Female Sexual Problems
When treating sexual problems in women, healthcare providers should consider mental health, according to new research in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
Women’s sexual response can be quite complex. ...

Body Image, Binge Eating, and Sexual Dysfunction in Women
Poor body image esteem and binge-eating tendencies in women are linked to sexual distress and dysfunction, according to new research in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
Body esteem and dissociation du...

Can Disclosing a Sexual Assault Help a Woman’s Sexual Functioning?
It’s not uncommon for women to have sexual problems after a sexual assault. However, new research suggests disclosing the assault to someone might alleviate those problems to some extent.
Experts est...

Women’s Sexuality Affected by Body Image and Relationship Quality, Study Says
A woman’s acceptance of her body and the quality of her relationship with her sex partner may influence her overall sexual function, according to a new study.

Love, Sex, and Antidepressants
Antidepressants seem to affect men and women differently in terms of love and sex, Italian researchers have found.
Exercise Helps Women With Antidepressant-Induced Sexual Side Effects
Exercising, especially right before sexual activity, seems to help women with sexual side effects caused by antidepressants, American scientists report.
Past research has shown that 96% of women taki...
Sex Health Blog

Is It “Normal” for Libido to Vary Over Time?
Libido, often referred to as one’s sexual desire or drive, is a complex aspect of human sexuality that can fluctuate throughout life. Questions are often raised about what is considered “normal” regar...

HSDD: I Have No Sexual Desire, What Can I Do About It?
Do you find yourself with a lack of sexual desire, which is bothersome to you? This could be a symptom of HSDD.

What Are Some Ways a Person Can Enhance Sexual Desire?
A person’s sexual desire will naturally fluctuate over the course of their lifetime, increasing in some periods and decreasing in others. However, if an individual finds that they are consistently lac...

Enlarged Prostate Treatment and Your Sex Life
Getting older? If you’re a man, the size of your prostate might become a concern.

Female Cancer Survivors and Sex Health Issues
If you’re a woman going through cancer treatment, you’ve probably had to adapt to a lot of changes in your life. You might have seen some dramatic changes in your sex life, too – changes you might not...
Did You Know?

Mindfulness Meditation May Reduce Sexual Stress
Have you or your partner ever experienced racing thoughts during sex? Not just fleeting thoughts here and there, but thoughts that take your whole attention away from what you’re doing?

Veterans Often Face Further Sexual Difficulties after Military Sexual Trauma
Women veterans who experience military sexual trauma have high rates of sexual dysfunction, according to a new study in Sexual Medicine Reviews.

Antidepressant Trintellix Has Fewer Sexual Side Effects, Study Finds
Sexual problems – such as low desire, poor arousal, and orgasm difficulties - are common side effects of some antidepressants. However, patients experiencing these effects may have a new alternative.

For Women, Meditation Could Have Sexual Benefits
New research suggests that women who meditate could have better sexual function than those who don’t.
A Third of Cervical Cancer Survivors Feel Sexual Distress
For cervical cancer survivors, it can be difficult to adjust to changes in sexuality. Pain, poor lubrication, and anxiety are common issues, and it takes time to feel comfortable with sex again. For s...